Entrepreneurial Spirit, Faith-Filled Heart ft. Jacob Valdellon

Marysol Uribe; Jacob Valdellon Season 4 Episode 4

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Welcome to the Un Billón (1 Billion) Mindset Podcast!
Meet Jacob Valdellon, a 27 year old driven entrepreneur who prioritizes faith and family, "Imagine a world where we can all live in harmony and prosperity, just like the Garden of Eden was intended to be. This vision may seem like a distant dream, but I am committed to working towards making it a reality. That's why I'm seeking out like-minded individuals who share this dream and are willing to join me in paving the way towards a brighter future. Together, we can be pioneers in creating a society that is truly exceptional. Won't you join me in this journey?" He is passionate about sharing his testimony and inspiring others.

You can connect with Jacob on Instagram @jacobianvaldellon. He is a financial professional and realtor. Call or text him at 909-680-1735 with any questions and he is more than happy to serve you!
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Marysol: Hello and welcome to the Un Billón Mindset Podcast. I am your host, Marysol Uribe, aka Enfermera Marysol. If you’re new to the show, “un billón” is one billion and 
enfermera” means nurse. So, you may be asking yourself “Who is hosting this podcast? What’s the backstory and how did this all start to begin with?”  If you want the backstory, listen to my song “Un Billón” on Apple Music. That song is in Spanish, so if you know a friend or family member who knows Spanish, tell them to listen to it and to translate. But we’ll get into the whole “Un Billón” concept in a minute. Tune in. Follow the speakers. Listen to previous episodes because they’ve all been amazing. Everyone on the show is making it. They are defining their own definition of success, and if they’re not where they want to be, they are soon to get there. 

So today’s guest is Jacob Valdellon. He has multiple hats and who better than Jacob to introduce himself, so I’ll hand it over.

Jacob: Absolutely, Marysol. Thank you for having me. I’m excited! We connected literally through the Driven Event. From there, I was in the process of helping you buy your first property last year, and we just stayed connected since. My journey really started when I was young, when I was two or three years old, I started playing baseball and tee ball all the way through little league, then I went to play travel baseball, and then after that I went to play highschool baseball. But my junior year, it was unfortunate. The dreams of becoming a major league baseball player were cut short. I wasn’t qualified to play let alone varsity baseball. I didn’t make the team.  I wasn’t qualified to play division 1 baseball let alone any division of college baseball. But my mentor Ed Mylett says that God will not call the qualified, but he qualifies the call. I knew when I was in high school I was called to do something great with my life. At 19 years old, I met a friend of mine who introduced me to real estate, and I actually dropped out of college my second semester.

Marysol: Bold move!

Jacob: Yeah, dropped out and I said “You know what? I’m going to better myself. I’m going to go through entrepreneurship.” At that time, Ty Lopez, if anyone’s familiar with Ty Lopez, started talking about knowledge, talking about how self-education will build you a fortune but organized or college education will build you just a lifestyle or build you a regular income. But I wanted more. I really wanted more. At 19 years old, I went to get my real estate license. I failed like four times. I didn’t have the right mindset. From 19-22, I really didn’t have an Un Billón Mindset. I was lost in the sauce. I was trying to be an entrepreneur, the “want-trepreneur.” I had “entrepreneur” in my bio and I was just trying to fake it till I made it all the way until I received an opportunity that forever changed the trajectory of my life. You and I are both familiar with Eli and Mike.

Marysol: Yes!

Jacob: Yup, and Mike actually was able to take me under his wing as his very first mentee. And I sought his mentorship because-    

Marysol: Good!

Jacob: -in 2018, I went to my first Driven Event and I saw him and Eli cross the stage as top performers. I was like, “Oh my god!” If I ever wanted to join real estate or join loans or join that company in general - first of all, Ed Mylett interviewed Albert Preciado on his podcast so I was like, I got the approval of Ed Mylett with Albert, and then I saw the type of lifestyle, the fast life, the ferraris, the fun, the parties. I was like, “I wanna be part of that!” I was like 22 or 23.  

Marysol: Yeah, it was calling you. 

Jacob: Yeah, it was calling me. Sure enough, the law of attraction truly exists. Whatever you think about, you will attract. I attracted my life. I found him on social media. We started DMing, energies collided, and we started really working hard together.  I was able to get my license in 2020. However, it’s not always uphill when you think about entrepreneurship or like you said to a lot of your listeners that don’t have the mindset yet or haven’t sought mentorship yet. You’ll realize there’s peaks and valleys. There are setbacks on the journey up. 2020 was a heavy year for me during COVID. In March 2020, the whole world shut down. Then March, April, and May is when I fell into a deep depression. Deep, deep, deep depression.     

Marysol: As many others.

Jacob: As many others, right? The whole world shuts down. You don’t know what you want to do with your life. You don’t know how to make money. I made the decision on May 26th of 2020 to do 75 Hard. I’ll talk about the Arete and I’ll talk about my leadership with Ed and Andy Frisella, but really I did 75 Hard and it forever changed my life. It was the platform I needed to bounce off of. Once you hit rock bottom, don’t forget to sit in it for a little bit because there are so many gifts when you’re down there, learning about how you attracted that mindset, how you attracted all of the stuff that happened to you. Don’t try to get up too fast when you hit rock bottom, but when you do hit rock bottom, bounce off like a jump pad. Boom! Hit off. I did 75 Hard from May 26th to August 8th. I got my license on July 7th in between that time, and then I started working for Mike.

Marysol: Ooo!

Jacob: Yeah! 7/7. And then I started working with Mike in October, and I decided to walk away from the financial services space, because I wasn’t going to build two businesses at once.

Marysol: Right.  

Jacob: So I was working with Ed’s company World Financial Group and I was partnered with another team, but I’m currently with the Miliare Group with Ed Mylett, with World Financial Group. I started in real estate in October and in November, I closed my first deal. In December, I closed two deals. The first 90 days, I closed three deals and I was able to buy my first car and move out of my mom and dad’s house. And that forever changed my life. Then 2021 happened.  Life-changing year. I became a top performer, rising star, rookie of the year all in Ambiance Realty. But honestly, Marysol, people don’t know my story, really. They don’t know what happened, the rise and somewhat of the fall of some of my successes during that time. I was enjoying myself. I was winning.

Marysol:  Yeah, and that’s one of the reasons why I wanted you on the show. You have a history of success and you can also speak from loss. A loss of identity, a loss of goals, a loss of not being with the right circle. So there’s a lot that we can learn from you in terms of the good and the bad.  

Jacob: For sure.

Marysol: You seek a mentor because you want to level up, so in your case, 75 Hard is a challenge that is free. It’s a mindset game. It’s all about mental toughness.  Mentorship comes in different ways, shapes, and forms. You can pick up a book, you can listen to a podcast, to this podcast. It can take one pivotal person or quote or line, right? In your case, it can be you and the people you meet and the people you impact - they could change your life. So be open and receptive to new information, new opportunities, because you never know what could change the trajectory of your life. So tell us more about Arete, that syndicate. Is it for anyone, everyone?  What’s the differentiating factor between the Jacob before mentorship and the Jacob of today?

Jacob: Yeah so Jacob before mentorship was lost. He was a person that was very entitled. He was a person that wanted to do the least amount of work and expect the most amount of results. He was a person that wasn't quite clear on what his definite, chief aim was in life. And now Jacob after mentorship with Arete and the leaders in my life and the people I have in my circle of influence, is a person very lined in his faith. I think number one is being deeply rooted in your faith. You’ll attract so many God-fearing people when you step into your truth. You have to upgrade your mentors eventually because initially you’re going to want to chase the money. Normally, most people are like, “Oh, I want to make six figures. I want to have fun, make money.” But when you start making money and that feeling no longer fulfills you because money is actually pretty fleeting in that sense. The most fulfillment you’ll have is truly by contributing, growing, and giving. So the mentorships I have now with Arete is Andy Frisella. The guy’s worth billions of dollars with his 1st Phorm and his supplement company. And then, Ed Mylett. The guy’s personal net worth is over a billion dollars as well, has over hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate, and he’s the type of leader - I know you read his book because I see it on your book club.

Marysol: Yes, “The Power of One More.” And Andy, by the way, is the creator of the 75 Hard, so that ties it all together for you guys. 

Jacob: Yes. Having a mentor, it helps you achieve what you want faster. So I would say if you want something, go to the person who has it and then ask them for directions. Right now I’m seeking mentorship for what I want to do to create and scale one of the biggest insurance agencies. I’m in the insurance industry now.  I kind of took a hiatus from real estate just because of how the conditions of the market are right now. I’m not saying I’m never going to do real estate again, but one of the biggest rules in business is stay in business. With this financial winter that’s coming, that everyone’s starting to see and feel, I want to position myself to win, right? Just staying in business. But like I said, Ed Mylett and Andy Frisella and Arete - they’ve done it. They haven’t just won for five years; they’ve been winning decade over decade over decade. With that, it’s like, “Okay, who am I going to learn from? The guy who just sells courses online? (No offense to people who do that) Or people who have actually built sustainable businesses that have overcome different market recessions?” I want to learn from the best of the best. So that’s where I seek my knowledge from. For the people that are listening to this podcast right now that don’t know where to start, start with books. I feel like starting with books and listening to podcasts are the best places to go because paying for mentorship, especially with Arete, you’re spending about $400 a month just to get initiated in the group and then there are events that are $15,000 just to have dinner. There’s just different levels of it. But if you’re brand new to the Un Billón Mindset or brand new to mentorship, start with getting consistent on working on yourself, reading the books, listening to the podcasts, and getting clear with what you want out of life. Whoever has that life that you so desire, whoever has a model of it, start consuming their content or finding ways to start helping them and doing things for them to support them for free. Add value to their life and honestly, the people who you think are so far away, are not that far away. I know that Marysol can probably attest to that because she’s been around all of these great entrepreneurs and all these events and she’s taken photos with all these very influential people. So that’s what I would say about that.

Marysol: That’s brilliant. I think you actually defined the Un Billón Mindset a little bit. For me, it’s wanting to impact a billion people, whether directly or indirectly. I had another guest on the show, Omar Medrano. He goes, “You know what? Grant Cardone says he wants to impact eight billion people, everyone on earth.” So my goal in comparison is quite attainable. So it’s creating the vision, right? And then the incremental steps, the plan of the action  that you need to take to actually get there. Don’t let Un Billón scare you. It’s the little steps. Just think of, in the short term, what can I do to get myself to the next level? To the next target. And so, if we think about a business plan, or a life plan, how often should we revisit that?  

Jacob: So right now, I actually sat with my team right before this call, and we are figuring out how we are going to execute these next 30 days to finish off the year strong.  There’s always monthly intentions we create for ourselves, monthly intentions, and then there’s quarterly goals. I already know what I want to accomplish between now and then at the end of March 30th. There’s monthly intentions, there’s quarterly targets, and then you should always be doing a weekly accountability with either yourself or the people you work with if you have a team environment. What I do every Sunday is Sunday accountability. We ask each other three questions and then we talk about reflection, about what happened in the last seven days, and we talk about projection, what we want to accomplish in the next seven days. So the questions we ask are #1: What would you change or do differently about your week that would probably improve the week overall?  #2. What is the biggest lesson you learned in any area of your life? And then #3, we get into a space of gratitude: What’s something amazing? And sometimes people are like, “I got up everyday at the time I wanted to get up.”  It’s not like, “Oh, I bought a new car.” It doesn’t have to be so excessive.We can have simple gratitudes because during times of uncertainty or times when things can get very overwhelming or times we’re living in right now.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed, anxiety, depression, all of those feelings. But when you flood yourself with gratitude, you can’t be anxious and grateful at the same time. Really flood, FLOOD yourself with gratitude. “Thank you for waking up today. Thank you for a roof over my head. Clothes on my back. Food on the table. Car on the road. Thank you for all the things that I have. Thank you for Marysol. Thank you for this podcast. Thank you for the air I breathe. Thank you for being able to walk.” When you start getting so grateful for all those little things, the world and the lens you look through start to get more grateful. But when you start to focus on all- oh, go ahead. You were about to speak.  

Marysol: Beautiful! No, this is good. See, Jacob is gifted in these raw talks. He actually had a podcast with consistent, raw talks. You can still find it today on Spotify, right? 

Jacob: Yes.

Marysol: You know, something I appreciate about you is that you are inclined with your faith. You do lead by that example. I see you in Bible groups, Bible study groups, again with that proximity of the same mental values. How important is that to you to and say, what have you noticed between an atheist entrepreneur and a faith-driven entrepreneur? Do you notice that there’s more strength in one person over the other? What would you recommend if people are on the fence, if they had a bad taste for a relationship with God in their childhood and now they are considering it again? What would you say to those people? 

Jacob: It’s funny because I actually brought a handful of people back to their faith recently. What happens is, I can’t speak for everyone, but for most people that don’t have faith in their life, there is always something they constantly feel is missing. When you’re grounded in your faith. There’s certainty, there’s a living hope, there’s this feeling that you are guided, you are anointed, you are blessed. When you know that you are born with the king of king’s blood inside of you - for me, I’m a Christian, I’m Catholic, actually - you are born with the DNA of God the father. You have all the power inside of you to create whatever you want in this world and ultimately serve the people around you. So for the people that don’t have faith in their life, I would highly suggest being open minded to it. It doesn’t have to be shoved down your throat. I’m not saying to get very religious because those are two different conversations, but open up to the idea that having faith is where your skills and your faith begins. When you don’t have an answer, that’s when I’m like, “God, I surrender to your will, your path for me, whatever you want for my life.” You have to realize that you’re not in control. The hardest thing about being an entrepreneur, especially getting into this mindset, is you start to want to control everything around you. You have a tight grip on everything. You want it your way and all those things, you want the cards to fall in your specific order, but you can’t control where the cards fall. What I tell people is you’ve got to loosen your grip. You’ve got to have a very rigid vision of your life, but have a very flexible approach to how you’re going to get there. God’s going to grow you, press you, and shape you in so many different ways because what you want and what you pray for, ultimately, you’re not the person to attract it right now, but what he’s going to do is he’ll see what you pray for, he’s going to stretch your capacity to the person you need to be to be able to attract those things into your life. Opening the doors and floodgates to the spiritual world, knowing that the creator created this world, you tap into that infinite intelligence to really achieve the life of your dreams.  

Marysol: I’m Catholic as well, and for me, like you say, you don’t have to do everything by the book but at least having some fundamental knowledge, values, your core ethical principles influenced by something good, I think, is what continues to shape me. If anything, it just gives me more strength.  

Jacob: I love that. 

Marysol: Well, thanks so much for sharing that. And so, you told us about the Jacob before mentorship, the current Jacob, what you’re currently doing. What do you see in the future?

Jacob: Well, honestly, I’ve come to realize, like I said, money’s important and I want to make a lot of it, but right now I’ve come to realize that faith and family are my number one and two priorities right now. My next season of my life I do want to get married and have a family. I’ve seen so many people- I turn 27 on Monday, and I’m seeing guys in their early-30’s that are raising a family, raising a kid, and building a business. Those are the next seasons of my life. Ultimately, I want to live the lifestyle that Ed’s doing right now, where he’s speaking on stages around the world, sharing his testimony to God. I think that’s what he’s doing right now. He’s not “coaching,” he’s sharing his testimony that he’s evangelizing his business and how God has had such a big impact in his life. I want to be able to build that life, to not only be inspirational and share the spirit and inspire people around me, but more so to be aspirational. Aspirational is to aspire to be like. The Martin Luther’s. The Ed Mylett’s. I want to be an aspirational place in this world that when my name gets brought up, it’s how I treated people, it’s how I won, it’s how I gave back, the church that I built, it’s the impact I left. My legacy may not live forever, but I know that it can literally change this entire world, where we can live in a utopia of what God intended for this world to look like. The foundation of this world was created perfectly, but we were born into sin. If you know that we were born into sin, then we can get back into what we call the perfect world or utopia of what the Garden of Eden was intended for. Why can’t we all band together and start creating that society that we can all live in? So we don’t have to worry about what our kids are learning in school, or the wars that are happening, or the lack of food - whatever the case may be. I want to be a pioneer in that sense. There’s a lot of guys on that same path, and when you find them, you lock arms with them. In my life, I just really want to see a brighter future for people around me and knowing that God has my back. My path is being guided.    

Marysol: Amen, brother. I love that. Especially with the whole utopia, the village, church is a community. It’s the people, and so when you build yourself up, you’re ready to pour into others because you’re coming from a cup that’s full. With you, I do see the consistent nourishment in your values, your core principles, and how you just overflow and pour into others what it is that you have, because you’re coming from a place of abundance, and I see that. Even with the people you follow on social media, check for that. Are they being consistent with what they’re saying? Is it matching what they’re doing? Are the people you meet, are they consistent on and off camera? That’s something very important to me is to truly keep in line with my values always. Just because, say, my net worth may grow years from now compared to now, I want to remain approachable. I feel a transformational leader is naturally aspirational. That’s the difference between transactional leaders. There’s just so much that we can continue to grow and offer to the world, coming from a place of abundance. 

Jacob: I love that. Absolutely.

Marysol: So to wrap up, Jacob. How would you define an Un Billón Mindset in a quick sentence?  

Jacob: Hmm, an Un Billón Mindset to me... I’ll always end it with this because I’ve used this on a couple other podcasts. The greatest life that you want is on the other side of fear. It’s your job to go after that life everyday relentlessly to pursue that dream and help change the world. In order to do that, it’s developing an Un Billón Mindset and inspiring those around you to think and do the same.  

Marysol: Love it. Brilliant. Applause! Thank you, Jacob! 

Jacob: Thank you for having me!

Marysol: Of course! How can my followers reach you?

Jacob: Social media. I’m mostly active on Instagram. That’s the fastest way you can find me. It’s my first name, middle name, and last name: @jacobianvaldellon. If you want to put that in the show notes, that would probably be the easiest way to do that.

Marysol: I will.    

Jacob: I’m super grateful and super blessed. Before I end here, I just want to tell you about you. I see you as a person that really wants to do good in this life, that wants to serve, that literally is putting her community on her back, and is a leader amongst leaders, especially being a millennial in our generation. You have a heart of gold. From the time that I’ve known you, you’ve just been a place of servitude, so that doesn’t go unnoticed and I’m proud to be your friend and grateful to be in this life with you.

Marysol: Thank you so much for those words. You know, you can tell when someone is genuine and authentic, and Jacob is one of those individuals. I appreciate you, and I got your back too, right? So I feel like we should continue to cultivate those types of relationships. Un Billón, all the way. I’ll see you on the top.

Jacob: Let’s do it.

Marysol: Love it. Thank you all for listening. Share the show. Like, subscribe, and we’ll see you on the next one. 

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